FEMA 356: Prestandard and Commentary for Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings
Category :
Engineering (Ebooks)
Prestandard and Commentary for Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings
This publication supersedes FEMA 273 and 274 and converts these publications into mandatory prestandard language. This Prestandard serves as a nationally applicable tool for design professionals, code officials, and building owners undertaking the seismic rehabilitation of existing buildings. The publication contains two parts.The Provisions include technical requirements for seismic rehabilitation. The Commentary explains the Provisions. Chapters include requirements; analysis procedures; foundations and geologic site hazards; steel; concrete; masonry; wood and light metal framing; seismic isolation and energy dissipation; simplified rehabilitation; architectural, mechanical, and electrical components; and use of this Prestandard for risk mitigation programs. (Please note that FEMA 356 has been superseded by American Society of Civil Engineers [ASCE] 41, Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings.)

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