Tekla Structures v14
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Size :732 MB |Type: ISO Image | Parts : 16 RAR split
Thanks "Safira" For Links
First Part Added To list [11-Aug-2008]
First Part Added To list [11-Aug-2008]
نرم افزار قدرتمند برای طراحی و مدلسازی و نقشه های دیتیل
Tekla Structures software is a building information modeling (BIM) tool that streamlines the delivery process of design, detailing, manufacture, and construction organizations. While integrating openly with architectural models, the strength of this single-model environment lies in the contractor end of the process. Thousands of Tekla Structures software users in more than 80 countries have successfully delivered BIM-based projects across the world.

Tekla Structures software is a building information modeling (BIM) tool that streamlines the delivery process of design, detailing, manufacture, and construction organizations. While integrating openly with architectural models, the strength of this single-model environment lies in the contractor end of the process. Thousands of Tekla Structures software users in more than 80 countries have successfully delivered BIM-based projects across the world.

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