IES Engineering Software [Analysis Group]
This Software was uploaded & Bring for you by :
.:. Kaung Thant .:.

Quick masonary wall
Quick R footing
Quick R wall
Section builder
Visual analysis
Visual ABC
Quick concrete wall
AnalysisGroup is a powerful tool for solving six common analysis problems.
- Rectangular mat footings (multiple column or wall loads)
- Flat rectangular plates in bending (walls, floors, with openings)
- Shear wall systems (rigid or flexible diaphragms)
- Beams on elastic foundations (multiple spans & shapes)
- Circular tank (fluid-filled, above-ground or buried)
- Continuous beams (multiple spans & shapes, hinges and cantilevers)
Built on a simplified, consistent format: Simply enter the geometry, boundary conditions, and loading. No need to construct complex finite element models--the software does it for you. You just describe the conditions as you see a simple sketch of your project unfold. Create individual service load cases and factored combinations easily. Get professional, graphical reports with complete results in just a few pages.
What's Missing?
AnalysisGroup is a workhorse "analysis" tool, it does not perform design checks per building code requirements, nor does it perform detailing. This tool is great (fast, easy, polished) for problems that "fit" within it's boundaries, but it will not analyze "anything" (unlike VisualAnalysis, which is more general-purpose!) IES Customers find the simplicity and speed of AnalysisGroup refreshing on many day-to-day projects, especially the mat footing analysis, and the plate analysis.
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