IES Engineering Software [Analysis Group]
This Software was uploaded & Bring for you by :
.:. Kaung Thant .:.

Quick masonary wall
Quick R footing
Quick R wall
Section builder
Visual analysis
Visual ABC
Quick concrete wall
AnalysisGroup is a powerful tool for solving six common analysis problems.
- Rectangular mat footings (multiple column or wall loads)
- Flat rectangular plates in bending (walls, floors, with openings)
- Shear wall systems (rigid or flexible diaphragms)
- Beams on elastic foundations (multiple spans & shapes)
- Circular tank (fluid-filled, above-ground or buried)
- Continuous beams (multiple spans & shapes, hinges and cantilevers)
Built on a simplified, consistent format: Simply enter the geometry, boundary conditions, and loading. No need to construct complex finite element models--the software does it for you. You just describe the conditions as you see a simple sketch of your project unfold. Create individual service load cases and factored combinations easily. Get professional, graphical reports with complete results in just a few pages.
What's Missing?
AnalysisGroup is a workhorse "analysis" tool, it does not perform design checks per building code requirements, nor does it perform detailing. This tool is great (fast, easy, polished) for problems that "fit" within it's boundaries, but it will not analyze "anything" (unlike VisualAnalysis, which is more general-purpose!) IES Customers find the simplicity and speed of AnalysisGroup refreshing on many day-to-day projects, especially the mat footing analysis, and the plate analysis.
More in Home Page :
Sunday, December 30, 2007 |
Happy Eid-e-Ghadir .:. عید غدیر خم بر همگی مبارکباد
Eid al-Ghadeer is the anniversary commemorating Muhammad's last sermon at Ghadir Khumm, which occurred 18th of Dhu al-Hijjah of 10 AH in the Islamic calendar. It is an event celebrated mainly by Shi'a Muslims, who regard it as the confirmation of Ali ibn Abi Talib's succession to Muhammad. This holiday is celebrated by Muslims worldwide.
The sermon was given before an audience of tens of thousands (some estimates range up to 120,000 believers) of Muslims performing Hajj, the holy pilgrimage required of all healthy, capable Muslims. In his sermon, the prophet (peace be upon him) stated:
"Whomever I am his master, Ali is his master too. He is my Caliph (successor) upon you after me.”
“O Lord support whoever supports Ali and oppose whoever opposes him."
This is the foundation of the Shi'a sect of Islam, who believe that Imam Ali was the proper successor of Muhammad (peace be upon him).
محمد، پیامبر اسلام در بازگشت از آخرین حج خود تمام مسلمانانی که در حج شرکت داشتند را در محلی به نام غدیرخم جمع کرده و علی بن ابی طالب را به عنوان وصی برادر و جانشین خود از جانب خدا معرفی کرد. عبارت معروف «هر آنکس که من مولای او هستم، پس علی مولای اوست» قسمتی از خطابه بلند غدیراست که مورد تایید شیعیان و اهل تسنن است. گرچه در تفسیر «ولی» بین شیعه و سنی اختلاف وجود دارد. در فرهنگ لغت عرب ولی به دو معنی آمده: ۱- دوست؛ ۲- صاحب اختیار به معنای جانشین و امام پس از پیامبر .
Saturday, December 29, 2007 |
A comprehensive and integrated finite element analysis and design solution, including a state-of-the-art user interface, visualization tools, and international design codes. Capable of analyzing any structure exposed to a dynamic response, soil-structure interaction, or wind, earthquake, and moving loads.
STAAD.Pro is the premier FEM analysis and design tool for any type of project including towers, culverts, plants, bridges, stadiums, and marine structures. With an array of advanced analysis capabilities including linear static, response spectra, time history, cable, and pushover and non-linear analyses, STAAD.Pro provides your engineering team with a scalable solution that will meet the demands of your project every time.
STAAD.Pro will eliminate the countless man-hours required to properly load your structure by automating the forces caused by wind, earthquakes, snow, or vehicles.
In addition, no matter what material you are using or what country you are designing your structure in, STAAD.Pro can easily accommodate your design and loading requirements, including US, European (including the Eurocodes), Nordic, Indian, and Asian codes; even special codes like AASHTO, ASCE 52, IBC and the US aluminum code can be catered to.
With an unparalleled quality assurance program, open architecture for customization, and a 25-year track record including such projects as the MCI Stadium in Washington DC, Wimbledon Court No1 in Europe, and the tallest transmission tower in Asia, STAAD.Pro is the perfect workhorse for your design firm.
Friday, December 28, 2007 |
Windows XP With SP3 RC1 3244 Integrated
- Released By eth0 Group at 24/07/2007.
- complete Windows XP with SP3.RC1.Build.3244 integrated in it.
- Serial Number is in eth0.nfo file.Open it with notepad.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007 |
CSI Section Builder 8.10
This Software was uploaded & Bring for you by :
.:. Kaung Thant .:.
Price = 500 $ ---> Save This !
For First Time @ Web
- Fully integrated interface with Windows 95/98/NT/2000
- Wide range of predefined shapes
- AISC, BS and CISC standard database libraries
- Powerful tools for editing shapes graphically and numerically
- Generation of various capacity diagrams and stress contours
- Professional Report Generation capabilities
- Ability to generate DXF file
What CSISection can do
- Analysis of building columns, bridge piers and prestressed section properties can be carried out
- Can be used for analysis of shear wall core for biaxial bending
- Properties of complex built-up sections and plate girders can be determined
- Moment-Curvature curves can be generated for beam columns in seismic area for ductility determination to use in Non-linear analysis
- Retrofitting, strengthening, rehabilitation and jacketing of cross-sections can be analyzed and design using this software
Monday, December 24, 2007 |
Winamp PRO 5.51 Filnal
- A Completely Redesigned Interface, including Album Art
- Multiple device support, including iPods
- Access and Share Your Music and Videos with Winamp Remote
- Play and Playlist the Best Music on the Web with Media Monitor
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- Enjoy Dynamic Song Recommendations
- Experience MP3 Surround Sound Support
- Access to Thousands of Online Radio Stations, Videos and More!
- 50 FREE MP3 Music Downloads compliments of eMusic's 2-week Trial
- Auto-Tagger provides automatic updates to file information
- Control Winamp From Your Browser with the Winamp Toolbar

Thursday, December 20, 2007 |
Yalda Night .:. شب یلدا
Shabe Yaldā (Persian: یلدا) or Shabe Chelle (Persian: شب چله) is an Iranian festival originally celebrated on the Northern Hemisphere's shortest day of the year, that is, on the eve of the Winter Solstice.
Following the Iranian calendar reform of 1925, which pegged some seasonal events to specific days of the calendar, Yalda came to be celebrated on the 1st day of the 10th month (Dey). Subject to seasonal drift, this day may fall a day before or a day after the actual Winter Solstice.

History and development
The word Yalda derives from a Syriac term signifying "birth." Due to it being the longest night, "Yalda" was celebrated as the day Mithra was born. The calibration carried on in to Zoroastrianism, ancient Greece, Roman Empire and was adopted by Christians as the birthday of Christ. It is an ancient Indo-European celebration, and a part of the festival was to decorate evergreen trees, which symbolize life and strength, even in today's Iran. A Winter Solstice festival - Shabe Chelle - had already been celebrated throughout the Iranian world even prior to the introduction of the word Yalda during the early Sassanid Era.
The process by which the term Yalda entered the Persian language is not conclusively established, but is probably attributable to Syriac Christians who received protection from the Sassanid monarchs. While these Christians that brought Yalda to Iran presumably associated the festival with the birth of Christ, the proximity of December 25th to the day of the Winter Solstice (December 21st or 22nd) eventually led to the two festivals being conflated and celebrated as one.

Yalda today
Following the fall of the Sassanid Empire and the subsequent rise of Islam, the religious significance of the event was lost, and like all the other Zoroastrian festivals Yalda became merely a social occasion when family and close friends would get together. Nonetheless, the obligatory serving of fresh fruit during mid-winter is reminiscent of the ancient customs of invoking the divinities to request protection of the winter crop.
The tradition of family gathering survives today in full force. Iranian radio and television continue to have special programming for the night of Yalda.
As a novelty, watermelons may appear at the Korsi. The Korsi is traditional furniture similar to a very short table, around which the family sit on the ground. On it, a blanket made of wool filling is thrown, people leave their legs under the blanket. Inside the korsi, heat is generated by means of coal, electricity or gas heaters.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007 |
Crysis [2007]
Published by: Electronic Arts
Developed by: Crytek
Release date: 13th Nov 2007
Genre: FPS
Available on: Personal Computer
Our Score: 79
Game Review
Wonderful, stupendous, colossal, beautiful - and it's good too! At least that's what every other review on the net says! I've learned that in this world you're either original and stand out of the crowd or you go with the flock, so I thought why not write a bad review for Crysis, right?...
Joking aside now, you know I always try to be as fair as possible (lies!) when reviewing a game. I can honestly say Crysis is a decent First Person Shooter, with some good innovations and a vast open area with many possibilities for exploration and combat.
The game action takes place in a near future where a team of American archeologists is taken captive by the North Korean army just when they apparently found something really important on a tropical island somewhere in the South China Sea.
Your name is Lieutenant Jake Dunn, codename Nomad, and you were sent to search and rescue the missing archeologists, and investigate the strange findings of this team. Along with the other members of your Delta Force Team, codenames Aztec, Jester, Psycho, and the team leader Prophet, you parachute to the island when suddenly everything goes wrong. Some sort of jamming device briefly passes by and all hell breaks loose. Your chute doesn't open, and your team seems to be experiencing the same problems.
Luckily, your Nano Muscle Suit can absorb most of the fall impact, so everyone manages to make it out alive... for now. Unfortunately you, Aztec, Jester, Psycho and Prophet all "land" in different areas of the island, so first the team must reunite.
At this stage you learn a bit more about how the game and your Nano Suit work. Each US soldier in 2020 is equipped with a special Nano Suit that enhances his abilities. Suit "Powers" can be accessed by using the middle mouse click (default). This will open up a radial menu where you can select to boost your strength, speed, armor; cloak or modify your weapon "upgrades". Nomad has two stats: energy and life (hit points). Each Suit "Power" uses energy in its own way: armor absorbs hits while draining it, speed allows you to sprint as long as you have some energy left, strength allows you to perform power jumps, throw far and hit enemies hard with your fists, and cloak makes you invisible.
A decent game with very good looking graphics and decent multiplayer that has two major flaws: works bad on almost any hardware due to its pour engine optimization and was/is much overrated for everything and promoted as the new game messiah when it's just a regular 2007 FPS. I bet EA said: "Aliens and North Koreans, what could go wrong! Let's do it in 2 months!"
Gameplay: 75
Many possibilities to approach a combat situation: stealth, brute force... Weapon upgrades are a smart thing and the suit options offer the possibility of varied gameplay and high replayability in theory, but the way energy is limited and the pour engine optimization may prevent you from doing that. The really poor AI that everyone prays and the fact that you need 100 bullets to kill some targets makes Crysis even worse! The computer always ALWAYS knows where you are!
Graphics: 89
Very good looking graphics, but I wouldn't call it "photo realistic", and while I enjoyed most of the "inside alien ship" chapter because of the "tension in the air" there are moments where some things just look bad or unfinished. And how come just the palm trees fall when shot at?!
Crysis looks better than any soccer game on the market... but a bit worse than Unreal... (I know, that doesn't make any sense - it's not supposed to ;) )
Multiplayer: 86
Boosts the game a bit; it's dynamic enough to draw more players for it alone. Keep in mind that you need a powerful system and even Vista and DirectX 10 for some maps! And get Unreal! Why am I comparing it to Unreal all the time anyway?!
Sound: 77
You may notice I haven't talked to you about the sound and music at all until now in the article. That is *almost* for a reason... Nothing out of the ordinary! The music isn't too annoying but it really goes unnoticed, and the sounds can be repetitive but ok in general. It's cool that Koreans speak... in Korean... only on the hardest difficulty mode...
Hardware: 61
Don't get me started!!#$$%%@#11one Why even advertize for products in the intro if it doesn't even take full advantage of their capabilities. And passed that, even if it doesn't it should at least work decently! Not only Crysis slows down when passing through big areas, there are moments when everything freezes up for half a second or so. Every sound is loaded when "it happens": like gun fire; and that makes it even more annoying because it will freeze a bit on older systems
Monday, December 17, 2007 |
All My Movies 4.5 Build 1247
Which movies you have, and where do you store them (CDs, DVDs, VHS or so)? What movies you heard of and would like to see? Which actors starred in which movies («honey, I want to watch something with Johnny Depp!»)? Which movies are new in your collection and you haven’t seen them just yet? All of these questions (and much more) are easily answerable with All My Movies software.
«Oh», you would say, «I’m so lazy! I simply wouldn’t fill out all those fields in the movie database. I have hundreds of movies, and for each of them I would have to type in the Name, Actors, Genre, Year, Description: Brrrrr!»
More Information = Home Page
Wednesday, December 12, 2007 |
Babylon 7.0.0 r16 .:. Full Work With Online Update Now .:.
Thursday, December 06, 2007 |
Pars Translator Full 2.6.1 - مترجم تخصصی متن پارس
Machine Translation Project:
Pars Translator English to Persian Text Translation Software For public & professionals in 38 scientic fields.
For more information about Pars Translator and machine translation visit the below address : http://www.ParsTranslator.Net
حتما نام دیکشنری پارس به گوشتون خورده؟
یک دیکشنری هوشمتد کامل ( ورژن کاملشه که تخصصی داره)
اولين نگارش تجاري مترجم در شهريور ماه 1376 به عموم عرضه گرديد
در سيستم ورودي مترجم پارس، تايپ متن انگليسي يا انتخاب محتويات از يك فايل استفاده مي گردد.
در حال حاضر، موتور مترجم پارس قادر به شناسايي و تجزيه بيش از يك ميليون و پانصدهزار واژه عمومي و اصطلاحات تخصصي متداول در 38 رشته علمي است.
مترجم پارس از سال 1376با همت کارشناسان ايرانى شرکت نرم افزارى مبنا به بازار ارائه شد. اين برنامه حاصل پژوهشها و تحقيقات چند ساله کارشناسان و محققان اين شرکت بود که نگارش اول آن در محيط داس ارائه شد.
اولين نگارش اين برنامه براى ترجمه جمله عمومى انگليسى و بسيار محدود بود که در نگارشهاى بعدى اين محدوديتها برطرف شد .
در حال حاضر اين برنامه با 38 زمينه تخصصى آماده ارائه به بازار مى باشد.
اين برنامه در قالب مترجم عمومى، يک رشته، سه رشته ، پنج رشته، هفت رشته و 38 رشته تخصصى ارائه مى شود.
از امکانات برنامه مى توان به ارائه دو فرهنگ واژگان (ديکشنرى) تخصصى انگليسى به فارسى (21 زمينه تخصصى ) و فارسى به انگليسى ( 38 زمينه تخصصى ) اشاره کرد.
نرم افزار مترجم پارس يك سيستم ترجمه ماشيني است كه متن انگليسي را به جمله هاي فارسي ترجمه مي نمايد.
در سيستم ورودي مترجم پارس، تايپ متن انگليسي يا انتخاب محتويات از يك فايل استفاده مي گردد .
در حال حاضر، موتور مترجم پارس قادر به شناسايي و تجزيه بيش از يك ميليون و پانصدهزار واژه عمومي و اصطلاحات تخصصي متداول در 38 رشته علمي است.
بانك واژگان و اصطلاحات مترجم پارس همواره در حال بهينه شدن و ارتقاء توسط همكاران در مراكز علمي و دانشگاهي مي باشد .
اين نسخه از نرم افزار مترجم تخصصي-38رشته مي باشد . كه مي توانيد بسته به نوع علايق خود يكي از رشته را انتخاب كرده و از آن بهره مند گرديد.
مترجم پارس در 33 زمينه تخصصي ارائه ميشود :
بازرگاني و تجارت | کشاورزي و شيلات | کامپيوتر |
جامعه شناسي | مهندسي عمران | حقوق و قوانين |
علوم بانکداري | تجارت هوائي | حسابداري |
افتصاد و مديريت | مهندسي صنايع | علوم نظامي |
دانش شناسي | مهندسي متالورژي | تربيت بدني |
مهندسي آب | گوهر شناسي | تاريخ اديان |
مديريت و برنامه ريزي | مهندسي برق | زمين شناسي |
مهندسي معدن | مهندسي مکانيک | روانشناسي |
صنايع غذائي | علوم سياسي | روزنامه نگاري |
فني و مهندسي | مهندسي نساجي | فلسفه |
زيشت شناسي | علوم پزشکي | نفت و گاز |
All Links are changeable
Sunday, December 02, 2007 |