Ram Perform3D V2.1 S
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PERFORM 3D is a highly focused nonlinear software tool for earthquake resistant design. Complex structures, including those with intricate shear wall layouts, can be analyzed nonlinearly using a wide variety of deformation-based and strength-based limit states.
Model data can be imported directly from ETABS and SAP2000. A wide variety of element types are supported, including beams (with panel zones), columns, braces, shear walls (with openings), floor slabs, dampers, and isolators.
Nonlinear analyses can be static and/or dynamic, and can be run on the same model. Loads can be applied in any sequence, such as a dynamic earthquake load followed by a static pushover.
PERFORM 3D provides powerful performance based design capabilities, and can calculate demand/capacity (usage) ratios for all components and all limit states. Performance assessment based on ATC-40, FEMA-356 or ATC-440 is fully automated.
PERFORM 3D output includes usage ratio plots, pushover diagrams, energy balance displays, as well as mode shapes, deflected shapes, and time history records of displacements and forces.
More Information : Here