PowerPoint Slide Show Converter 3.1
6.5 MB
If you want to send someone your PowerPoint presentation, distribute it via the internet or through a CD-ROM, the best way to ensure that everyone can view your presentation (not only those who has the needed version of PowerPoint installed on their computers) is to convert to to a self-running slide show using PowerPoint Slide Show Converter.
Generation of a slide show screen saver from your PowerPoint presentation is also possible.
Does not require to have Microsoft PowerPoint installed on your computer! But if you do have Microsoft PowerPoint, you are able to use the Enhanced Mode which gives you additional possibilities.
The conversion is a one-way process, the source .ppt file cannot be restored from the converted .exe file, so PowerPoint Slide Show Converter is also useful to protect PowerPoint presentations from unauthorized editing.

Sunday, September 23, 2007 |
Nero Ultra Edition 8.0.3 [New Links22/9/2007]
79.99 $ | 958 MB
For First Time
• Convert DVD Files to play on your iPod® or PSP™, and other portable devices
• Optimized for Windows Vista™
• NEW easy-to-use and intuitive Nero StartSmart
• One-click import and share to/from online communities*
• Playback on AVCHD and Blu-ray (BD-AV) video*
Serial For Nero 8 Ultra Edition

New Links[13/9/2007], Changeable With Previous & Megaupload
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7| Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10
Download From Megaupload[Links Updated]
New Links[22/9/2007], Changeable With Previous & Rapidshare
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6| Part 7 | Part 8| Part 9 | Part 10
Saturday, September 22, 2007 |
Bitdefender Total Security 2008 V11.0.9
Size = 40 MB
.:. No.1 Antivirus & Internet Security In The World .:.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007 |
AI Roboform Pro V6.96
RoboForm is an award-winning automated password manager and web form filler with some serious Artificial Intelligence.
Sunday, September 16, 2007 |
WindowBlinds Enhanced v5.5 + 60 Nice Skins For Windows
Skins = 55 MB
WindowBlinds is a program that enables Windows users to completely change the look and feel of Windows users interface. Users customize Windows by using visual styles (skins) created for WindowBlinds. With these skins, WindowsBlinds can change the look of Title bars, borders, Task bars, Start button, Start menu, Progress animations, Toolbar icons, Explorer Views, and virtually every other part of Windows!
WindowBlinds is the only program that can customize the GUI of WindowsXP without having to alter system DLLs.
WindowBlinds has been tested to ensure it works with Windows Vista, so you know it is compatible, reliable, and more secure.
System Requirements:
Windows XP/2003 and Windows Vista (Starting with WindowBlinds 5.5)
Windows 2000, ME, 98 users can use WindowBlinds Classic (v4.6).
1GHz or faster processor recommended
60MB free drive space

Sunday, September 16, 2007 |
Rar Size 12 MB | After Extract 77.5 MB
Thursday, September 13, 2007 |
Internet Download Manager 5.11 Built 6 Final
Thursday, September 13, 2007 |
TMPGEnc 4.0 XPress
Size = 21 MB
Monday, September 10, 2007 |
Ram Perform3D V2.1 S
PERFORM 3D is a highly focused nonlinear software tool for earthquake resistant design. Complex structures, including those with intricate shear wall layouts, can be analyzed nonlinearly using a wide variety of deformation-based and strength-based limit states.
Model data can be imported directly from ETABS and SAP2000. A wide variety of element types are supported, including beams (with panel zones), columns, braces, shear walls (with openings), floor slabs, dampers, and isolators.
Nonlinear analyses can be static and/or dynamic, and can be run on the same model. Loads can be applied in any sequence, such as a dynamic earthquake load followed by a static pushover.
PERFORM 3D provides powerful performance based design capabilities, and can calculate demand/capacity (usage) ratios for all components and all limit states. Performance assessment based on ATC-40, FEMA-356 or ATC-440 is fully automated.
PERFORM 3D output includes usage ratio plots, pushover diagrams, energy balance displays, as well as mode shapes, deflected shapes, and time history records of displacements and forces.
More Information : Here

Saturday, September 08, 2007 |
Powerpoint Slide Show
2.64 MB
Friday, September 07, 2007 |
گله از هموطنان ایرانی
در طی حدودا 5 ماهی که با این وبلاگ در خدمت شما عزیزان هستم به طور میانگین روزی 1500 بازدید کننده داشتیم که بیشترین بازدید کننده 3100 نفر و کمترین هم 500 نفر بوده است و در کل از سایت حدود 148000 نفر بازدید کرده اند که حدود 15 درصد آنان از ایران بوده اند یعنی 22000 نفر !!! اما متاسفانه هموطنان کم لطفی میکنند و نظرات ثبت شده کمی دارند ... والله به خدا این وبلاگ سودی برای من نداره که هیچ ضرر هم داره و اینترنتم مصرف میشه ولی این کارو دوست دارم اما نظرات شما دوستان میتونه در پیشرفت این وبلاگ به ما کمک کنه و پیشرفت این وبلاگ هم به نفع شماست و برنامه های بهتری میتونید دریافت کنید ... ما جدیدا به طور موقت استایل وبلاگ رو تغییر دادیم و در حال نوشتن استایل زیبا و سبکی هستیم اما هیچکدام از هموطنان هیچ عکس العملی نشان نداده اند اما بالعکس دوستان اجنبی از طریق ایمیل نظراتشونو گفتند و من به آنها اعلام کردم که نظراتشونو از طریق چت باکس بگویند.
خواهشمندم که نظرات خود را در مورد هر پست یا کل وبلاگ و شکل وبلاگ و هر چی که به نظرتون میرسه بگین که باعث دلگرمی من خواهد شد
با تشکر
Thursday, September 06, 2007 |
1477+ MIDI Sound For Mobile
Wednesday, September 05, 2007 |
UltimateDefrag V1.64
If you run complex games, simulations and applications or if you simply use your computer for everyday regular use, UltimateDefrag significantly reduces the effect of the main performance bottleneck of your PC, your hard drive. It gives you the capability to place your files and applications in the position on your hard drive that will give you the best performance possible.
Ordinary defraggers are a dime a dozen. UltimateDefrag is NOT just a defragger. It's
totally unique software that is both a defragger AND a file placement optimizer.
UltimateDefrag is the ultimate defragger and File Placement Optimizer. Defragging hard drives helps to restore your hard drive performance. File placement optimizing on the other hand, boosts your theoretical hard drive file access performance by up to 300% of manufacturers quoted averages (typical performance increase you'll experience is between 25 and 100%) by placing the files you want performance from onto the faster performing (outer tracks) areas of your hard drive. With UltimateDefrag - you can specify which individual files, programs or games you want the best performance from. The "Archive" function places all of your unused files out of the way and onto the slower performing areas of your hard drive.
UltimateDefrag is the world's most powerful defragger in terms of the file placement flexibility it gives you for defragging and strategically placing files on your hard drive - right down to the individual file level.
It is the only product in the world that actually acts to boost your hard drive performance beyond average quoted performance.
And it's a fact that when you increase your hard drive performance your PC performance soars!
Operating System: Windows Vista, XP, 2003
Current Version: 1.64 Build Date: 30 August 2007

Tuesday, September 04, 2007 |
Norton Antivirus & Internet Security 2008

Download Norton AntiVirus 2008
Monday, September 03, 2007 |
SWISH Pack - Bundle Special
The ultimate Flash authoring tool. SWiSH Max has everything you need to create interactive Flash animations.
SWiSH Jukebox
Convert your MP3s to cool Flash sound players at the click of a button.
SWiSH Video2
Convert your videos to Flash and display on the web in minutes.
Create Flash photo albums in minutes, complete with clip art, music and preloaders.
SWiSH Studio2
Convert your Flash movies to EXEs, screensavers or burn directly to CD-ROM and DVD.
SWiSH Presenter
Convert your Microsoft PowerPoint presentations to Flash at the click of a button.
SWiSH Guide
Convert your Microsoft Help files (.chm) to Flash at the click of a button.
Sunday, September 02, 2007 |
vBulletin 3.6.7
vBulletin is a professional, affordable community forum solution. Thousands of clients, including many industry leading blue chip companies, have chosen vBulletin - It's the ideal choice for any size of community.
For more information see VBulletin Home Page.
Sunday, September 02, 2007 |