RISA Base V2.0.2
Category :
RISABase Features
When accuracy counts, RISABase delivers. RISABase uses an automated finite element solution to provide exact bearing pressures, plate stresses, and anchor bolt pull out capacities, eliminating the guess work of hand methods. Define bi-axial loads and eccentric column locations. Choose from several connection types and specify custom bolt locations.
Base Plate Design
•Plate and bolt design per AISC 13th Edition criteria
•Color-coded stress & bearing profiles
•Customized report generation
•Biaxial analysis, custom bolt locations, clearance checking, stiffeners, load reversal, etc.
Anchor Bolt Pull Out Capacity
•Anchor bolt pull out capacity calcs per Appendix D of the ACI 05 code
•Failure pyramid diagrams display the concrete breakout strength
Base Plate Design
•Plate and bolt design per AISC 13th Edition criteria
•Color-coded stress & bearing profiles
•Customized report generation
•Biaxial analysis, custom bolt locations, clearance checking, stiffeners, load reversal, etc.
Anchor Bolt Pull Out Capacity
•Anchor bolt pull out capacity calcs per Appendix D of the ACI 05 code
•Failure pyramid diagrams display the concrete breakout strength
RISABase Specifications
•Steel design dodes: AISC 13th LRFD & ASD, 9th ASD, 2nd LRFD
•Concrete design Code: ACI 318-05
•Fully customizable (create program defaults to match your common settings)
•More than 20 different units available for display (imperial and metric)
•Comprehensive column shape database including international shapes
•Automatic baseplate size optimization based on specified max/min length, width, thickness
•“Square Baseplate” option for easier fabrication
•Finite element analysis of baseplate for the most realistic and accurate results
•Rigid analysis option to match hand calculation results
•Column eccentricity (from baseplate center)
•Automatic allowable bearing pressure calculations per AISC
•Stiffened connections using plates, clip angles, or channels
•Custom anchor bolt layout (great for accommodating misplaced anchor bolts in the field)
•Anchor bolt layout optimization (based on minimum spacings, edge distances)
•Shear lug analysis
•Anchor bolt strength checks for tension/shear per AISC
•Anchor bolt pullout capacity calculated per ACI 318 Appendix D, considering all seven dominant failure modes (cone breakout, side face blowout, pryout, etc) including group failure calculations
•Anchor bolt pullout seismic requirements checks and supplemental seismic reinforcement design
•Biaxial loading and design for both shears and moments.
•Uplift design
•Load combination generator for five different codes, with load reversibility
•Printable detail report lists all input and output (great for plan checking)
•Color stress contours for bending/bearing stresses
•Color bolt group failure diagrams for each failure mode
Sunday, August 02, 2009 |
CSI SAP2000 v14.1.0
Category :
Posted By "iskeltors"
Computers & Structures, Inc. is proud to announce the release of SAP2000 V14. The innovative enhancements in this version are categorized below. This fully integrated product for the modeling, analysis and design of structures continues to be available in three levels: Basic, Plus and Advanced.
Sunday, August 02, 2009 |
Category :
Post By "kamran" at forum
Computers and Structures, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of ETABS version 9.6.0. This is an update to version 9.5, and includes a number of enhancements requested by our users.
Friday, July 17, 2009 |
Category :
Post By "yakwetu" In Forum
Complete solution for Abaqus finite element modeling, visualization, and process automation
With Abaqus/CAE you can quickly and efficiently create, edit, monitor, diagnose, and visualize advanced Abaqus analyses. The intuitive interface integrates modeling, analysis, job management, and results visualization in a consistent, easy-to-use environment that is simple to learn for new users, yet highly productive for experienced users. Abaqus/CAE supports familiar interactive computer-aided engineering concepts such as feature-based, parametric modeling, interactive and scripted operation, and GUI customization.
Users can create geometry, import CAD models for meshing, or integrate geometry-based meshes that do not have associated CAD geometry. Interfaces for CATIA V5, SolidWorks, and Pro/ENGINEER enable synchronization of CAD and CAE assemblies and enable rapid model updates with no loss of user-defined analysis features.
The open customization toolset of Abaqus/CAE provides a powerful process automation solution, enabling specialists to deploy proven workflows across the engineering enterprise. Abaqus/CAE also offers comprehensive visualization options, which enable users to interpret and communicate the results of any Abaqus analysis.
With Abaqus/CAE you can quickly and efficiently create, edit, monitor, diagnose, and visualize advanced Abaqus analyses. The intuitive interface integrates modeling, analysis, job management, and results visualization in a consistent, easy-to-use environment that is simple to learn for new users, yet highly productive for experienced users. Abaqus/CAE supports familiar interactive computer-aided engineering concepts such as feature-based, parametric modeling, interactive and scripted operation, and GUI customization.
Users can create geometry, import CAD models for meshing, or integrate geometry-based meshes that do not have associated CAD geometry. Interfaces for CATIA V5, SolidWorks, and Pro/ENGINEER enable synchronization of CAD and CAE assemblies and enable rapid model updates with no loss of user-defined analysis features.
The open customization toolset of Abaqus/CAE provides a powerful process automation solution, enabling specialists to deploy proven workflows across the engineering enterprise. Abaqus/CAE also offers comprehensive visualization options, which enable users to interpret and communicate the results of any Abaqus analysis.
For More Information & Download Links See Forum
Tuesday, June 23, 2009 |
SAP2000 V14
Category :
Post By "aslam" In Forum
Computers & Structures, Inc. is proud to announce the release of SAP2000 V14. The innovative enhancements in this version are categorized below. This fully integrated product for the modeling, analysis and design of structures continues to be available in three levels: Basic, Plus and Advanced.
pushover analysis of shear-wall structures and similar applications. A Quick-Start option is
provided for easy modeling of reinforced concrete sections.
• Plot functions have been added for shell layer stresses.
• Frame hinges for Section Designer sections “To be Designed” have been enhanced to use the
designed amount of rebar when available.
• Section Designer has been enhanced for the display of fiber-model PMM surface.
• The default material properties for concrete have been modified to improve
convergence behavior.
• The tangent stiffness used for the iteration of fiber hinges and multi-linear links has been
changed to improve convergence.
time-history analysis.
• Material-based damping is now available for steady-state and PSD analysis.
• Stiffness-proportional damping now uses initial stiffness instead of tangent stiffness to
improve the consistency of results and convergence behavior.
• The rigid-response calculation in response-spectrum analysis has been enhanced for NRC
and general use.
• Base reactions for response-spectrum and modal time-history analysis have been improved
for springs and grounded link supports to better capture missing-mass effects.
• Base reactions no longer include constraint forces at restraints, for consistency.
Nonlinear and Pushover
• A nonlinear, layered shell element using a directional material model has been added forpushover analysis of shear-wall structures and similar applications. A Quick-Start option is
provided for easy modeling of reinforced concrete sections.
• Plot functions have been added for shell layer stresses.
• Frame hinges for Section Designer sections “To be Designed” have been enhanced to use the
designed amount of rebar when available.
• Section Designer has been enhanced for the display of fiber-model PMM surface.
• The default material properties for concrete have been modified to improve
convergence behavior.
• The tangent stiffness used for the iteration of fiber hinges and multi-linear links has been
changed to improve convergence.
• Material-based damping is now available for linear and nonlinear direct-integrationtime-history analysis.
• Material-based damping is now available for steady-state and PSD analysis.
• Stiffness-proportional damping now uses initial stiffness instead of tangent stiffness to
improve the consistency of results and convergence behavior.
• The rigid-response calculation in response-spectrum analysis has been enhanced for NRC
and general use.
• Base reactions for response-spectrum and modal time-history analysis have been improved
for springs and grounded link supports to better capture missing-mass effects.
• Base reactions no longer include constraint forces at restraints, for consistency.
Bridge Modeling and Design
New Design Code Related Enhancements
Wednesday, May 13, 2009 |
Fire Safety Engineering: Design of Structures, 2nd Edition
Category :
Engineering (Ebooks)
by : John A Purkiss
Size : 2.1 MB | Published by : Butterworth-Heinemann | Pages : 424
Fire Safety Engineering: Design of Structures provides the knowledge needed to design a structure which will withstand the effects of fire.
The book covers everything from design concerns and philosophies, regulatory control, the behaviour characteristics of natural fires through to the properties of different materials at elevated temperatures.
Focusing on the fire sections of the Structural Eurocodes, the book provides detailed design advice on each of the main structural elements such as concrete, steel, composite steel-concrete, timber, and masonry, aluminium, plastics and glass.
J. A Purkiss, Consultant, previously lectured Structural Engineering at Aston University. His main areas of research were the behaviour of concrete, concrete composite materials and concrete structures at elevated temperatures, the experimental determination of the effects of spalling and its modelling using coupled heat and mass transfer, the determination of the characteristics of fire damaged concrete structures.
The book covers everything from design concerns and philosophies, regulatory control, the behaviour characteristics of natural fires through to the properties of different materials at elevated temperatures.
Focusing on the fire sections of the Structural Eurocodes, the book provides detailed design advice on each of the main structural elements such as concrete, steel, composite steel-concrete, timber, and masonry, aluminium, plastics and glass.
J. A Purkiss, Consultant, previously lectured Structural Engineering at Aston University. His main areas of research were the behaviour of concrete, concrete composite materials and concrete structures at elevated temperatures, the experimental determination of the effects of spalling and its modelling using coupled heat and mass transfer, the determination of the characteristics of fire damaged concrete structures.
Saturday, April 25, 2009 |
ArcGIS 9.3
Category :
From private business to public agencies, people are using ArcGIS to improve their workflows and solve their most challenging issues.
With ArcGIS 9.3 you can improve your entire GIS workflow. ArcGIS 9.3 includes tools and functionality to help you:
With ArcGIS 9.3 you can improve your entire GIS workflow. ArcGIS 9.3 includes tools and functionality to help you:
- Manage spatial information more efficiently.
- Make better maps.
- Share common operating information.
- Send and receive real-time information to and from the field.
- Perform better planning and analysis.
براي ديدن لينك دانلود به لينك زير مراجعه كنيد
Friday, April 17, 2009 |
Autocad 2010 Full
Category :
Autocad 2010 Full
Post By "Aslam" In Forum
Design and shape the world around you with the powerful, flexible features found in AutoCAD® design and documentation software, one of the world’s leading 2D and 3D CAD tools. Speed documentation, share ideas seamlessly, and explore ideas more intuitively in 3D. With thousands of available add-ons, AutoCAD software provides the ultimate in flexibility, customized for your specific needs. It’s time to take design further. It’s time for AutoCAD.
براي ديدن لينك دانلود به لينك زير مراجعه كنيد
For More Information & Download Links See Forum
Friday, April 17, 2009 |
SAFE V12.1
Category :

Post By "Kamran" In Forum
SAFE is the ultimate tool for designing concrete floor and foundation systems.
برنامه قدرتمند تحليل پي و دالهاي بتني
براي ديدن لينك دانلود به لينك زير مراجعه كنيد
For More Information & Download Links See Forum
Thursday, March 26, 2009 |
Autodesk Revit Structure Suite 2009
Category :
AutoCAD® software with AutoCAD® Structural Detailing and Revit® Structure software for a complete modeling, documentation, detailing, and fabricationshop drawing toolset.
A building information modeling (BIM) application, Revit Structure integrates multimaterial physical and analytical models, providing concurrent structural modeling for more accurate documentation, analysis, and design. AutoCAD Structural
Detailing is a powerful solution for fast and efficient detailing and automatic creation of fabrication shop drawings for steel and reinforced concrete structures.
Accelerate your structural engineering workflow from early design through fabrication with the efficiency of BIM and easy-to-use AutoCAD applications.
AutoCAD Revit Structure Suite includes AutoCAD, Revit Structure and
AutoCAD Structural Detailing software products.
A building information modeling (BIM) application, Revit Structure integrates multimaterial physical and analytical models, providing concurrent structural modeling for more accurate documentation, analysis, and design. AutoCAD Structural
Detailing is a powerful solution for fast and efficient detailing and automatic creation of fabrication shop drawings for steel and reinforced concrete structures.
Accelerate your structural engineering workflow from early design through fabrication with the efficiency of BIM and easy-to-use AutoCAD applications.
AutoCAD Revit Structure Suite includes AutoCAD, Revit Structure and
AutoCAD Structural Detailing software products.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 |
Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Pro 2009
Category :
Autodesk® Robot™ Structural Analysis Professional software provides a scalable, countryspecific analysis solution for the structural engineer to analyze many types of structures, including buildings, bridges, civil, and specialty structures.
Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional calculates a wide variety of structures with a comprehensive collection of design codes, delivering results in minutes, not hours. This structural engineering software is versatile enough for simple structural frame analysis or complex finite element analysis and offers seamless interoperability with Autodesk companion products as well as an open application programming interface (API).
Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional calculates a wide variety of structures with a comprehensive collection of design codes, delivering results in minutes, not hours. This structural engineering software is versatile enough for simple structural frame analysis or complex finite element analysis and offers seamless interoperability with Autodesk companion products as well as an open application programming interface (API).
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 |
Dynamics of Structures - Theory and Applications to Earthquake Engineering
Category :
Engineering (Ebooks)
Dynamics of Structures - Theory and Applications to Earthquake Engineering
Direct Links
دینامیک سازه ها - تئوری و کاربرد
by : Anil K. Chopra
by : Anil K. Chopra
Size : 24 MB | Published by : Prentice Hall, 2006 | Pages : 876
کتاب معروف و مرجع در زمینه دینامیک سازه ها نوشته استاد بزرگ آنیل چوپرا
Designed for senior-level and graduate courses in Dynamics of Structures and Earthquake Engineering. The text includes many topics encompassing the theory of structural dynamics and the application of this theory regarding earthquake analysis, response, and design of structures. No prior knowledge of structural dynamics is assumed and the manner of presentation is sufficiently detailed and integrated, to make the book suitable for self-study by students and professional engineers.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009 |
AISC Steel Design Guide Full
Category :
Engineering Codes
AISC Steel Design Guide Full
مجموعه کامل راهنمای طراحی آیین نامه AISC (آیین نامه فولاد آمریکا)
List Of Design Guides:
· Design Guide 1: Column Base Plates
· Design Guide 2: Design of Steel, Composite Beams with Web Openings
· Design Guide 3: Serviceability Design for Low-Rise Buildings
· Design Guide 4: Extended End-Plate Moment Connections
· Design Guide 5: Design of Low- and Medium-Rise Steel Buildings
· Design Guide 6: LRFD of W-Shapes Encased in Concrete
· Design Guide 7: Industrial Buildings: Roofs to Column Anchorage
· Design Guide 8: Partially Restrained Composite Connections
· Design Guide 9: Torsional Analysis of Structural Steel Members
· Design Guide 10: Erection Bracing of Low-Rise Structural Steel Frames
· Design Guide 11: Floor Vibrations Due To Human Activity
· Design Guide 12: Modification of Existing Steel Welded Moment Frame
· Design Guide 13: Wide-Flange Column Stiffening at Moment Connections
· Design Guide 14: Staggered Truss Framing Systems
· Design Guide 15: AISC Rehabilitation and Retrofit Guide
· Design Guide 16: Flush, Extended Multiple-Row Moment Connections
· Design Guide 17: High Strength Bolts--A Primer for Structural Engineers
· Design Guide 18: Steel-Framed Open-Deck Parking Structures
· Design Guide 19: Fire Resistance of Structural Steel Framing
· Design Guides - Set 1
· Design Guides - Set 2
· Design Guide 2: Design of Steel, Composite Beams with Web Openings
· Design Guide 3: Serviceability Design for Low-Rise Buildings
· Design Guide 4: Extended End-Plate Moment Connections
· Design Guide 5: Design of Low- and Medium-Rise Steel Buildings
· Design Guide 6: LRFD of W-Shapes Encased in Concrete
· Design Guide 7: Industrial Buildings: Roofs to Column Anchorage
· Design Guide 8: Partially Restrained Composite Connections
· Design Guide 9: Torsional Analysis of Structural Steel Members
· Design Guide 10: Erection Bracing of Low-Rise Structural Steel Frames
· Design Guide 11: Floor Vibrations Due To Human Activity
· Design Guide 12: Modification of Existing Steel Welded Moment Frame
· Design Guide 13: Wide-Flange Column Stiffening at Moment Connections
· Design Guide 14: Staggered Truss Framing Systems
· Design Guide 15: AISC Rehabilitation and Retrofit Guide
· Design Guide 16: Flush, Extended Multiple-Row Moment Connections
· Design Guide 17: High Strength Bolts--A Primer for Structural Engineers
· Design Guide 18: Steel-Framed Open-Deck Parking Structures
· Design Guide 19: Fire Resistance of Structural Steel Framing
· Design Guides - Set 1
· Design Guides - Set 2
For More Information See Forum
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Sunday, January 25, 2009 |
IBC 2006 Code
Category :
Engineering Codes
آيين نامه بين المللي ساختمان ويرايش 2006
The scope of the international building code covers all buildings except 3-story one- and two-family dwellings and townhomes. The international building code features time-tested safety concepts, structural, and fire and life safety provisions covering means of egress, interior finish requirements, comprehensive roof provisions, seismic engineering provisions, innovative construction technology, occupancy classifications, and the latest industry standards in material design. It is founded on broad-based principles that make possible the use of new materials and new building designs.
Friday, January 23, 2009 |
Category :
1- طراحی ومحاسبه شمع کوبی بتنی ونمايش نتايج آناليزبصورت گرافيکی و سه بعدی .
2- محاسبه تمام بارهای مرده و زنده - زلزله و باد و همچنين مرکز جرم و مرکز سختی.
3- هنگام آناليز سازه ، برنامه شروع به کنترل تمام پارامترها از جمله نيروی زلزله، باد ظرفيت ستون و غيره می نمايد و نتايج را بصورت گرافيکی نمايش می دهد.
4- برنامه STA4CAD بعد از آناليزو کنترل سازه ، دتايل تمام ستون ها و تيرها، ديوارهای برشی ، سقف ها ، فنداسيون ها را آماده می نمايد .
5- محاسبه تعداد ميلگرد های مصرفی و ارائه جدول ليستوفر.
6- متره و برآورد سازه .
7-کنترل سازه در مقابل نيروهای زلزله طبق آيين نامه های معتبر جهان .
8-طراحی و محاسبه فنداسيون ها وترسيم نقشه های اجرای آنها بصورت اتوماتيک.
9-نشان دادن مقاومت خاک به صورت گرافيکی و سه بعدی تحت اثر بارهای وارده از سازه .
2- محاسبه تمام بارهای مرده و زنده - زلزله و باد و همچنين مرکز جرم و مرکز سختی.
3- هنگام آناليز سازه ، برنامه شروع به کنترل تمام پارامترها از جمله نيروی زلزله، باد ظرفيت ستون و غيره می نمايد و نتايج را بصورت گرافيکی نمايش می دهد.
4- برنامه STA4CAD بعد از آناليزو کنترل سازه ، دتايل تمام ستون ها و تيرها، ديوارهای برشی ، سقف ها ، فنداسيون ها را آماده می نمايد .
5- محاسبه تعداد ميلگرد های مصرفی و ارائه جدول ليستوفر.
6- متره و برآورد سازه .
7-کنترل سازه در مقابل نيروهای زلزله طبق آيين نامه های معتبر جهان .
8-طراحی و محاسبه فنداسيون ها وترسيم نقشه های اجرای آنها بصورت اتوماتيک.
9-نشان دادن مقاومت خاک به صورت گرافيکی و سه بعدی تحت اثر بارهای وارده از سازه .

The program applies matrix-displacement method with 6 unknowns for each node in 3D space. It applies rigid floor diaphragms also.
The structure geometry is commonly defined in story plan and instantly shown in plan and 3D view. With the help of smart menus in data input, the geometry, load and code information can be entered by mouse easily.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009 |
ETABS V9.5.0 "Now Full" NEW LINKS 2008/1/12
Category :
جدیدترین ویرایش نرم افزار تحلیل سازه های ساختمانی
یک نرم افزار معروف که به طور گسترده در تحلیل و طراحی ساختمان از آن استفاده میشود. اکنون برای اولین بار آخرین ویرایش این نرم افزار قدرتمند به همراه کرک آن برای شما علاقه مندان ارائه میشود.
For First Time, We Prepared For You Last Version Of Etabs With MAGNiTUDE Key*Gen
Password : www.4downloader.ir
تبليغات | Ads
Saturday, January 03, 2009 |
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