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Muhammad | محمد

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Muhammad ibn ‘Abdullāh

Rockworks 2006

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Rockworks 2006
Special Thanks From David To Provide This Software For You

ockWorks 2006, the latest version of subsurface visualization software from the Golden, Colorado-based RockWare, Inc., provides a large array of tools useful for site characterization in many earth science disciplines. For geologists, hydrogeologists, and geophysicists involved in water-resources investigations, the software package is particularly applicable for developing hydrostratigraphic models that facilitate construction of groundwater flow and transport models. RockWorks 2006 provides centralized borehole database management in the Borehole Data Manager window. From this interface, borehole data, including lithology, stratigraphic contacts,geophysical data, geochemical measurements, fracture information, and groundwater levels can be used to create maps, cross sections, fence diagrams, single or multi-log plots, as well as three-dimensional surface and solid models. Other capabilities useful to water resources investigations are available in the RockWare Utilities window. This interface facilitates creation of contour maps of water levels and drawdowns, as well as Piper and Stiff diagrams. Utilities include statistical analyses andcontrol of display options. In addition to visualization of the subsurface for conceptual model development, RockWorks 2006 provides useful ways to create grids that can be used for modeling. For example, solids models created in RockWare can be exported as ASCII XYZ files, which can then be imported intovarious ground water modeling interfaces for defining model units and layers. Waterresource investigators will like the new Well Construction interface. This addition allows for detailed well construction information to be stored in adatabase format. With this data, RockWorks 2006 can be used to plot well construction diagrams alongside 2-D and 3-D strip-logs, allowing the user to identify the formation or lithology accessed by the screened intervals. Well features such as screen depth and length, casing length and construction materials can be included in the well construction diagram. Several enhancements have been made to the 2004 version in order to generate RockWorks2006. One of the major enhancements is the Access database format now implemented for storage and management of boreholeinformation. This new format increases the user’s ability to query borehole information, and link data from various tables within the database. Checks on data integrity within the database have been improved (for example, checks on consistent layer elevations). The Access format in RockWorks does not require Microsoft Access to be installed for operation of the software. The option to import and manipulate data in a spreadsheet format is still available. The tool layout for creating borehole strip-logs has been improved and the edit capability in the 2006 version allows for editing of all graphics created in RockWorks. In addition to the export capabilities for grids, RockWorks 2006 now has more user-friendly options for exporting data to AutoCad and ArcGIS programs. RockWorks 2006 comes with an extensive help menu and several tutorials that help introduce the new user to the major features available with the software. The RockWare website (www.RockWare.com) provides further options for technical support.



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Advanced Structural Dynamics and Active Control of Structures

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Advanced Structural Dynamics and Active Control of Structures

by : Wodek Gawronski
Year : 2004 | Publisher: Springer | ISBN: 978-0-387-40649-7 | Size : 5.6 MB |
Pages :

این کتاب به بیان روشهای پیشرفته دینامیکی میپردازد و هدف نهایی این کتاب ساخت یک زبان عمومی بین سیستم مهندسی کنترل و سازهای میباشد. در این کتاب نیز به بررسی روشهای کنترل فعال سازه نیز پرداخته شده است

The book presents and integrates the methods of structural dynamics, identification and control into a common framework. It aims to create a common language between structural and control system engineers.

Written for:
Control engineers, structural engineers, students

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Hydroblasting and Coating of Steel Structures

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Hydroblasting and Coating of Steel Structures

by : Andreas W. Momber, David H. Deacon
Year : 2003 | Publisher: Elsevior | ISBN: 185617395X | Size : 5.6 MB | Pages : 216

KEY FEATURES:• This technique is growing in importance.• The first comprehensive book in this subject.A practical and comprehensive account of the technology and applications of hydroblasting, a technique used more and more in the preparation of steel and other surfaces.Steel surfaces will corrode unless they are properly prepared and coated. Such corrosion can have disastrous effects (eg bridge collapse) therefore the preparation of the surface is of major importance.Due to environmental pressure to move away from grit-blasting, high-pressure water can now be used to prepare surfaces, with few environmental costs.This book systematically and critically reviews the state of current hydroblasting technology and its applications. The book is essentially practical in nature and is written by an expert in the field.


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Exact Solutions for Buckling of Structural Members

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Exact Solutions for Buckling of Structural Members
تحليل دقيق كمانش اعضاي سازه اي

by : By C. M. Wang, Junuthula Narasimha Reddy
Year : 2004 | Publisher: CRC Press | ISBN: 0849322227 | Size : 1.9 MB | Pages : 207

كتاب بسيار مفيد در مورد بررسي كمانش اعضا در سازه كه به تفكيك در فصل اول به بيان موضوع كمانش و معرفي ان پرداخته شده است . در فصل دوم به تفصيل در مورد كمانش ستونها بحث شده است. در فصل سوم به كمانش تيرها، كمانها و حلقه ها پرداخته شده است.فصل چهارم در مورد كمانش ورقها و فصل پنجم در مورد كمانش پوسته ها ميباشد
كتاب فوق يكي از بهترين مراجع در مورد كمانش اعضا ميباشد
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The calculation of buckling loads is key in designing structural elements and often hinges on numerical methods. However, analytical solutions can serve as critical cross-references that help assess the reliability and accuracy of numerical solutions. The quest for access to closed form analytical solutions that elucidate the intrinsic fundamental and unexpected featues of numerical solutions drove the creation of Exact Solutions for Buckling of Structural Members. In researching this book, the authors gathered as many exact buckling solutions as possible, and have presented them in a concise treatment. This book condenses closed form buckling solutions of columns, beams, arches, rings, plates and shells from the vast literature into a single volume. It begins with an introduction to elastic buckling and the importance of elastic buckling load. The following chapters present coverage of flexural buckling solutions for columns under various loads, restraints, and boundary conditions; the exact flexural-torsional buckling solutions of beams; and the buckling solutions of circular arches and rings. Also included in these chapters are discussions of the effect of transverse shear deformation on the buckling load of columns and the flexural-torsional buckling of columns for thin-walled members with open profiles. The final chapters discuss the elastic buckling of plates under inplane loads and buckling solutions for cylindrical and spherical shells. With coverage of a wide range of buckling load problems, this innovative reference provides engineers and researchers benchmarks for assessing the validity, convergence, and accuracy of solutions obtained by numerical methods.



Category :

Composite Structures, Design, Safety and Innovation
طراحي، امنيت سازه هاي كامپوزيت

by : B.F. BACKMAN |Year : 2005 | Publisher: ELSEVIER
ISBN: 0080445454 | Size : 1.5 MB | Pages : 250

كتاب جامع در مورد طراحي و ايمني در سازه هاي كامپوزيت از انتشارات معتبر الزوير كه در دهها كشور به چاپ رسيده است

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Aerospace structural design, especially for large aircraft, is an empirical pursuit dominated by rules of thumb and often-painful service experiences. Expertise on traditional materials is not transferable to new materials, processes and structural concepts. This is because it is not based on or derived from well-defined measures of safety. This book addresses the need for safe innovation based on practical, explicit structural safety constraints for use in innovative structures of the future where guiding service experience is non-existent. The book covers new ground by the demonstration of ways to satisfy levels of safety by focusing on structural integrity; and complementing the lack of service experience with risk management, based on flexible inspection methods recognizing that safety is a function of time. Fundamentally the book shoes demonstrates how safety methods can be made available to the engineering community without requiring huge statistical databases to establish internal and external loads distributions for use in reliability analysis.An essential title for anyone working on structural integrity, or composite structures. It will be of equal interest to aerospace engineers and materials scientists working in academia, industry and government.Demonstrates a practically manageable way to produce safe innovation using composites in environments with no service experienceNew approach to a subject that has not previously been treated in a holistic mannerThis book could not have come at a more topical time, Boeing are currently launching the first commercial plane made entirely of composite materialsThe focus of this book is Composite Materials but other fields of innovation could be treated in the same manner


Wind Loading of Structures

Category :

Wind Loading of Structures
بارگذاري باد در سازه ها

by : By John D. Holmes |Year : 2001 | Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 041924610X | Size : 2.5 MB | Pages : 356

كتاب جامع شامل بارگذاريهاي آزمايشگاهي سازه ها در برابر باد. پايه هاي بارگذاري باد به جزئئيات در اين كتاب شرح داده شده است. ئر مورد طبيعت باد، سرعت باد، نيروي باد و ... در اين كتاب به تفصيل بحث شده است. و شامل مثالهاي مختلفي نيز ميباشد. كاربرد بارگذاري باد در محدوده وسيعي از سازه ها شامل ساختمانهاي كوتاه تا بلند، برجها، دكلها، استاديومها و پلها و ... به بحث گذاشته شده است.

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Provides a comprehensive, practical examination of the wind loading of structures. Fundamentals of wind loading are described in detail, with the author discussing the nature of wind, prediction of wind speed and force, dynamic response of buildings, and successful design of buildings to counteract wind loading problems. The application of wind loading in a variety of different types of structures, including low-rise and tall buildings, towers and masts, stadiums and bridges is discussed.


Forensic Engineering

Category :

Forensic Engineering

by : Kenneth L. Carper
Year : 2000 | Publisher: CRC Press | Size : 14 MB | Pages : 401

This book is an overview of the activities of forensic experts in the engineering professions. General chapters cover aspects of forensic activity that are common to all disciplines. Specific chapters contributed by experts in each specialized field detail unique aspects of forensic engineering and accident reconstruction in the various specialized disciplines.




Abaqus V6.7.1 X64 [64-bit]

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Abaqus V6.7.1 X64
for windows 64-bit
>>> For The First Time <<<
By : Simulia
Type : ISO | Licence :Included | Size : 8 Part*75 MB
Run More Faster your model in abaqus X64
!!! Just Test it !!!

برنامه بسيار قدرتمند تحليل به روش اجزاي محدود، ورژن 64 بيتي آن كه بسيار ناياب بوده و مخصوص ويندوز هاي 64 بيتي ميباشد. اگر سيستم شما ويندوز 64 بيت را ساپورت ميكند و از زمان محاسبات طولاني در آباكوس خسته شده ايد به شما توصيه اكيد ميكنم كه اين ورژن را امتحان كنيد و از سرعت آن لذت ببريد. اين نرم افزار در بازار تهران بالغ بر 40 هزار تومان فروخته ميشود (ورژن 64 بيتي)

Abaqus is a commercial software package for finite element analysis developed by SIMULIA, a brand of Dassault Systemes S.A.

Abaqus was initially designed to address non-linear physical behavior; as a result, the package has an extensive range of material models. Its elastomeric (rubberlike) material capabilities are particularly noteworthy.More information about the Abaqus Unified FEA Product Suite and SIMULIA at www.simulia.com

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A First Course in Finite Elements

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A First Course in Finite Elements
مباني اجزاء محدود

by : Jacob Fish & Ted Belytschko
Year : 2007 | Publisher: John Wiley & Sons | Size : 5.0 MB | Pages : 344

کتاب بسیار خوب در مورد اجزاء محدد. در اين كتاب به زبان بسيار ساده به بيان روش هاي اجزاء محدود پرداخته شده است و داراي متن بسيار ساده و روان بوده و به راحتي براي اغلب دانشجويان و محققين قابل فهم ميباشد. در انتهاي اين كتاب مثالهاي كاربردي با نرم افزار آباكوس حل شده است كه استفاده از كامپيوتر در كنار آموزش روشهاي آناليز از نكات برجسته اين كتاب قدرتمند ميباشد.
اين كتاب در سال 2007 توسط انتشارات معتبر Wiley به چاپ رسيده است. اين كتاب را حتما در كتابخانه الكترونيكي خود داشته باشيد.

This book is written to be an undergraduate and introductory graduate level textbook, depending on whether the more advanced topics appearing at the end of each chapter are covered.Without the advanced topics, the book is of a level readily comprehensible by junior and senior undergraduate students in science and engineering.With theadvanced topics included, thebookcan serve as the textbook for the first course in finite elements at the graduate level. The text material evolved from over 50 years of combined teaching experience by the authors of graduate and undergraduate finite element courses

keyword : Finite Element, FEM, MATLAB, ABAQUS

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DVBViewer Full [New Links-08/07/2008]

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DVBViewer Full
New Links-2008/07/08
Serial : Included | Size : 5.01 MB | Server : Rapidshare

پلير قدرتمند و محبوب براي كارتهاي رسيور كامپيوتر

اين پلير قدرتمند قابليت پخش شبكه هاي با وضوح بالا روا با كيفيت فوق العاده بالايي دارد.
پلاگين هاي موجود به خوبي با اين نرم افزار همخواني داشته و استفاده از اين پلير محبوب به شما توصيه ميشودلازم به ذكر است كعه اين ورژن با ورژن محدودي كه همراه كارت اسكاي استار عرضه ميشود متفاوت بود و قابليت هاي فوق العاده زيادتري را دارد.

New In V3.9.4

*Add: new Video On Demand Filter
*Add: Support for Devolo dLAN TV Sat
*Add: IPTV device
*Add: Support for Non-Western (e.g. chinese) EPG
*Fix: Problems with some ATSC/DVB Subtitles
*Fix: PIP: moving with the mouse did not work with vista correctly.
*Fix: Support for longer channel names
*Add: partially Blueray playback
*Add: New easier PiP handling
*Add: Support for Haali mediasplitter
*Fix: Better support for Vista EVR Video Renderer

What is it?
DVBViewer allows you to experience Digital TV on your PC. With a proper DVB card you can enter the world of digital entertainment and experience high quality, incredibly sharp TV pictures and near CD quality radio!

What are the differences between the Technisat Edition and the proversion?
There are various features, which are only available in the proversion. A few examples, could be found here.


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ACI 209-05

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ACI 209-05
Report on Factors Affecting Shrinkage and Creep of Hardened Concrete
By : American Concrete Institute Committee 224

آيين نامه شماره 209 ورژن 2005 انجمن بتن امريكا، در مورد پارامترهاي موثر بر جمع شدگي و خزش در بتن سخت شده ميباشد

Factors affecting shrinkage and creep of hardened concrete are presented to enable those involved in the evaluation and formulation of concrete mixtures to determine the effects of these factors.



EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING - Application to Design

Category :

EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING - Application to Design
مهندسی زلزله - کاربرد تا طراحی

Year : 2007 | Publisher: John Wiley & Sons | Size : 6.0 MB | Pages : 443

کتاب بسیار خوب و جامع در مورد مهندسی زلزله از کاربرد تا طراحی که انتشار آن در سال 2007 توسط انتشارات معتبر ویلی صورت گرفته است و نویسنده این کتاب نیز استاد برجسته دانشگاه آریزونای شمالی میباشد. داشتن این کتاب برای مهندسین عمران و به خصوص مهندسین زلزله توصیه میشود.

The primary motivation for writing this book is the causes of structural failures— what went wrong—during the earthquakes that hit the western states in the last decades. In view of the relatively large number of steel oment-resisting frames damaged during the Northridge earthquake, the book xpands on the evaluation and performance of structures of this type. The pre- and post-Northridge experimental research and new design strategies to improve moment connections for new buildings are also discussed, keeping in mind basic building code concepts to demonstrate the application of general strength-level load combinations.Topics relevant to seismic design in other areas of engineering, such as concrete, masonry, and wood-framed buildings, are also included. An attempt has been made to maintain a practical approach. In lieu of problem-solving,single design issues, the book walks the reader through step-by-step design of actual projects in moderate-to-high seismicity areas in compliance with building regulations.
Chapter 12 introduces a new method of dynamic analysis and discusses the causes of joint failure in steel design. Subjects like matrices, differential
equations, numerical analysis, and engineering applications are presented for completeness and ready reference for the reader.
It is hoped that the book will help practicing engineers not yet fully familiar with seismic design and graduating students to use the building codes in their seismic design practice.


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Man on the Moon

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Man on the Moon : Future and Past
TYPE : JPG | Numbers : 17 Photos | Size : 1.5 MB

With two currently functioning orbiters, and five more missions planned in the next year, Earth's Moon may soon have seven active probes operated by five nations, with even more coming soon. NASA's plans to return humans to the Moon by 2020 are moving steadily ahead, with some concrete prototypes and initial designs beginning to emerge. Called the Constellation Program, NASA's vision involves new and upgraded launch vehicles, exploration vehicles, autonomous rovers, new spacesuits, crew and cargo vehicles, and much more. Here are seven photographs of our possible future on the Moon, and a look back, with ten images from our last visits with the Apollo missions, more than 36 years ago now.

Looking Forward -- Spacesuit engineer Dustin Gohmert drives NASA's new lunar truck prototype through the moon-like craters of Johnson Space Center's Lunar Yard. The lunar truck was built to make such off roading easy, with six wheels that can be steered independently in any direction. In addition, the steering center can turn a full 360 degree, giving the driver a good view of what's ahead, no matter which way the wheels are pointing. (NASA/JSC)
During field tests near Moses Lake, WA, NASA's Autonomous Drilling Rover demonstrated dark autonomous nagivation with a light detection and ranging system. (NASA)
The Crew Mobility Chassis Prototype is NASA's new concept for a lunar truck. Researchers were trying it out at Moses Lake, WA, as part of a series of tests of lunar surface concepts. One feature is its high mobility. Each set of wheels can pivot individually in any direction, giving the vehicle the ability to drive sideways, forward, backward and any direction in between -- important if the truck becomes mired in lunar dust needs to zigzag down a steep crater wall or parallel park at its docking station. (NASA)
NASA's ATHLETE (All-Terrain Hex-Legged Extra-Terrestrial Explorer) robotic vehicle seen during field tests near Moses Lake, WA. Athlete could be the RV of choice for future explorers. Its multi-wheeled dexterity could allow robots or humans to load, transport, manipulate and deposit payloads to essentially any desired site on the lunar surface. (NASA)
NASA's lunar truck during field tests near Moses Lake, WA. Whatever direction the lunar truck is headed, the driver has a good view. The astronauts' perches can pivot 360 degrees. The whole wehicle can be lowered to the ground for easy access in bulky spacesuits. (NASA)
Testing a critical Launch Abort System. NASA and Alliant Techsystems (ATK) performed an igniter test of the Orion Launch Abort System at ATK's Promontory Facility on June 13, which lasted for approximately 150 milliseconds. The igniter was just over 36 inches tall and was the first time the newly developed igniter had been tested. Its purpose is to ignite the primary motor on the LAS that pulls the capsule away during an emergency on the pad or during launch. (NASA and Alliant Techsystems)
A mock-up of the NASA's new Orion space capsule heads to its temporary home in a hangar at NASA's Langley Research Center in Hampton, Va. In late 2008, the full-size structural model will be jettisoned off a simulated launch pad at the U.S. Army's White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico to test the spacecraft's astronaut escape system, which will ensure a safe, reliable method of escape for astronauts in case of an emergency. NASA's Constellation program is building the Orion crew vehicle to carry humans to the International Space Station by 2015 and to the moon beginning in 2020. (NASA/Sean Smith)
And Looking Back -- A view of the Moon's surface taken from lunar orbit in the summer of 1971. Apollo 15 was the ninth manned mission to the Moon. (NASA)
April 20, 1972 - Apollo 16. A view from the Landing Module, looking toward the Command and Service Module with Earth over the lunar horizon. Astronauts John Young and Charles Duke took this shot as they piloted the LM down to the lunar surface. (NASA)
Also April 20, 1972 - The Command and Service Module named "Casper" viewed from the Lunar Module shortly after undocking. Astronaut Ken Mattingly stayed aboard the CSM while the LM went to the surface - orbiting over 60 times, and performing twenty-six separate scientific experiments. (NASA)
December 10, 1972 - Apollo 17. A tiny, distant Command and Service Module seen above the Taurus-Littrow landing site photographed from the Lunar Module as it descended to the Moon - the last time Men would set foot on the lunar surface. (NASA)
December, 1972 - Apollo 17. Astronaut Eugene Cernan drives the final Lunar Rover (of 3 total) sent to the Moon. Also seen is one leg of the Lunar Module, at right. (NASA)

April, 1972 - Apollo 16. Astronaut Charles Duke's family portrait, laid on the lunar surface. Pictured are Charles and Dotty Duke, and their sons Charles, 7, and Tom, 5. (NASA)
December, 1972 - Apollo 17. Astronaut Harrison Schmitt near the Lunar Rover at Shorty crater. (NASA)
July 21, 1969 - Apollo 11. The Lunar Module approaches the Command and Service Module for docking, with earthrise in background. Aboard the LM were astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, returning from a 21-hour stay on the Moon - the first Moon landing by Man. (NASA)
December, 1972 - Apollo 17. Astronaut Jack Schmitt took this telephoto picture of the Lunar Module, seen from a distance of about two miles (3.1 km). For an idea of scale, the Lunar Module is about 24 feet tall (7 meters). (Image is a combination of AS17-139-21204 and AS17-139-21203 - credit: NASA)
December, 1972 - Apollo 17. Earthrise viewed from Apollo 17 (NASA)

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ACI 214-02

Category :

ACI 214-02
Evaluation of Strength Test Results of Concrete
By : American Concrete Institute Committee 224

This document provides an introduction to the evaluation of concrete strength tests. The procedures described are applicable to the compressive-strength test results required by ACI 301, ACI 318, and other similar specifications and codes. The statistical concepts described are applicable for analysis of other common concrete test results including flexural strength, slump, air content, and density. Most construction projects in the United States and Canada require routine sampling and fabrication of standard molded cylinders. These cylinders are usually cast from samples of concrete taken from the discharge of a truck or a batch of concrete and molded, cured, and tested under standardized procedures. The results represent the potential strength of the concrete rather than the actual strength of the concrete in the structure.
